English Camps

A great team of Aussies recently came to Thailand to assist the River Team by running two English camps, one in Chiang Mai and the other in the southernmost tip of Thailand.  Both were a great success! Chiang Mai Camp Klars with Ed Dept head of Languages, Area 4 About 60 lower secondary students and…

The River Women SHINE

The River SHINE Team ran an encounter training week for the women of The River Team, some from women from the mountains and from the neighbouring country. Everyone was impacted by the interactive nature of the program! The participants recognise and develop their self-worth, strength, and purpose, and importantly, are empowered to fulfil their God-given destiny.…

Kids Camp at The River

Fifty three very excited children arrived at “The River” for a 3 day camp. Most of the River Team were there to welcome the kids!  The Thais in the team were so well prepared that the foreign volunteers were able to really enjoy having fun with the children. Heaps of games, swimming, stories, singing, drama.…