English Camps

A great team of Aussies recently came to Thailand to assist the River Team by running two English camps, one in Chiang Mai and the other in the southernmost tip of Thailand.  Both were a great success! Chiang Mai Camp Klars with Ed Dept head of Languages, Area 4 About 60 lower secondary students and…

The River Women SHINE

The River SHINE Team ran an encounter training week for the women of The River Team, some from women from the mountains and from the neighbouring country. Everyone was impacted by the interactive nature of the program! The participants recognise and develop their self-worth, strength, and purpose, and importantly, are empowered to fulfil their God-given destiny.…

Kids Camp at The River

Fifty three very excited children arrived at “The River” for a 3 day camp. Most of the River Team were there to welcome the kids!  The Thais in the team were so well prepared that the foreign volunteers were able to really enjoy having fun with the children. Heaps of games, swimming, stories, singing, drama.…

Learning about LOVE

On Mother’s Day, the River Team went with flowers to Pa Da’s home.  Pa Da (in her 40’s) suffers from many illnesses, which make her fearful about her future.  Although Pa Da always feels encouraged by our team’s visits, she has been slow to open her heart to be truly loved.  As Yua (Thai team…

Community Playground Phase 2

We recently purchased, quite cheaply, some very old but sturdy playground equipment.  Some of the boys from our team, along with some wonderful helpers from Australia,  spent countless hours sanding, restoring and re assembling the playground. This process gave some of our trainees the opportunity to learn new skills in sanding, painting and seeing the…

Healing of a deaf woman.

We recently drove 3 hours  to a remote village, where Yingwhit, our team member, is sowing his life into serving the people of that hilltribe. After eating chicken and sticky rice and drinking coffee in Yingwhit’s tiny coffee shop/bamboo home, we walked up the hill to show some visitors the water tanks supplied by the…

People, People, People

 All that we do as The River Team is about serving people.  No matter how old or young. Communities are transformed as their people are loved and empowered.  The children are not just the “next generation”, but vital members of the current generation.  They need to be loved and empowered to succeed in life.  The…